New to our community? Searching for general information about intellectual and developmental disabilities? This a great place to start!

Factsheets and FAQs

The St. Louis Arc supports families and individuals by connecting them to community resources and experts. The below resources include factsheets and websites to help provide information for commonly asked questions and topics. Additionally, the St. Louis Arcs YouTube channel and Facebook Live page provide video learning materials provided by St. Louis Arc staff and experts.

Information by Life Stage

Charting the Life Course Quick Guides

Getting Ready – When Your Teen Hits the Age of Majority

Information by Life Domain

Daily Life, Education & Employment

Special Education – What You Need to Know

Employment & Work Incentives

Community Living

Technology First

Finding a Residential Provider

Housemate Compatibility Tool

Healthy Living

Missouri Assistive Technology

Disability & Health

Inclusive Health

Social & Spirituality

Building Circles of Support

Safety & Security

Supported Decision Making Resources

Financial Wellness Tools

HCBS Waiver & Support Coordination

Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare

Advocacy & Engagement

Understanding Your Childs Educational Rights

10 Steps to Independence – Promoting Self-Determination at Home

Missouri Partners in Policymaking