Be creative, get active, and make new friends.
St. Louis Arc is committed to helping young people build their self-esteem and allow them to express themselves through art, music, sports, and more.
Teen Bowling (13-20)
Grab your bowling ball and shoes and hit the lanes for some bowling fun.
Many of our leisure activities support adults ages 18 and older. These classes, activities, and sports leagues provide people of all abilities the opportunity to stay active, meet new people, and have fun.
Monthly classes and events for adults such as music, cooking, dances, and book clubs.
Seasonal club and league sports for adults of all abilities like soccer, bowling, softball, golf, and basketball.
View or download a PDF of the 2025 Spring & Summer Leisure Times for a complete schedule of activities or visit the online registration page. For financial assistance, please click here.
As a reminder, Leisure Services has gone paperless. This means we have moved away from paper brochures, confirmations, and registrations. The good news is that our online registration method is a faster option for securing a spot in your favorite programs. We accept credit cards, and e-check payments.