Fun for the whole family.
The St. Louis Arc provides opportunities for people with intellectual and development disabilities to participate in activities with their loved ones. Whether its taking a cooking class with your sibling or bringing the whole family together for a Family Fun Night, enjoying an activity together is always fun.
Family Fun Night
Come join your family and friends for BINGO nights. Family Fun Nights are free family-friendly nights for people of all ages and abilities to get together and share fun moments. To RSVP, contact Jeanine Springer at 314-817-2226.
Cooking with Family and Friends
Enjoy cooking with your family and relatives, friends, and support staff, or even with your roommates. This four-week course is designed for you and others to get together and learn all about cooking together. You will walk away with a complete meal that you can enjoy during the class and have leftovers. Our last class will consist of a cooking competition among the groups. For more information, contact Donny Conner, Coordinator of Leisure Services, at 314-817-2293.
St. Louis Arc Night at the Ballpark
Each spring, the St. Louis Arc hosts a St. Louis Arc Night at the Ballpark. We offer tickets at a reduced rate to individuals, families, and staff, and all those in attendance sit together in the same section. An added bonus – a portion of the ticket sales comes back to support the St. Louis Arc! For more information, contact Kelly Foster at 314-817-2288.
St. Louis Arc Night with the Blues
Each winter, the St. Louis Arc hosts an Arc Night with the Blues. We offer tickets at a reduced rate to individuals, families, and staff, and all those in attendance sit together in the same section. An added bonus – a portion of the ticket sales comes back to support the St. Louis Arc! For more information, contact Kelly Foster at 314-817-2288.
View or download a PDF of the 2025 Spring & Summer Leisure Times for a complete schedule of activities or visit the online registration page.