A man holding up a sign that says i vote because.

This October the St. Louis Arc is joining other organizations in sharing the importance of voting in the November mid-term elections. Organizations around the nation are asking people to complete the statement I vote because.

Ann Mangelsdorf, assistant director of Family Support and Advocacy shares its fun and inspiring to see what motivates people to get out and vote on election day. Hopefully, the more people share why they vote will encourage others to vote as well. Encouraging people to vote this November is a priority among many organizations. According to FairVote.org, in recent elections, about 60% of the voting eligible population votes during presidential election years, and about 40% votes during midterm elections.

I vote because I like to be heardThe Arc hopes everyone will share why the plan to vote this November. Several Arc participants, staff, and family members have already shared photos of themselves expressing why they vote. We hope that you will take a photo of yourself with a sign saying I Vote Because and share on the Arcs Facebook page why you will take the time to vote on November 6.