As a new year begins, many people look for opportunities to try new things, expand their networks, or develop new skills. The St. Louis Arc has many programs available to support people with disabilities and their families, and several still have openings. Families and Individuals ARCH In-home Residential Support St. Louis Arcs ARCH program (Assistance…

Launching into New Areas
The St. Louis Arc is excited to announce the expansion of Launch into St. Charles County and Jefferson County.With the support of funding from DDRBand DD Advocates, theexpansionoffers qualifying residents of St. Charles County and Jefferson County free access to the virtual Launch program. Next and Launch In 2019 the St. Louis Arc launched Next,…

Leading the Way
When you first meetMichkealand Samantha, it is clear that they are leaders. These two young adults are friendly, open, and excited to meet new people perfect traits to help lead a group to empower others and connect people. The St. Louis Self-Advocates is a new group founded through the Arc this past year. Their mission:…

Launch in the City
In 2019 the St. Louis Arc launched Next, a new area of services that provides focused, impactful supports for individuals with autism or learning differences. Understanding that not everyone needs the same level of support, these programs support individuals as they navigate what is next in various aspects of their lives. Individuals choose the areas…

Maintaining Skills and Routines
As stay-at-home orders began in the middle of March, it was challenging to transition to a life at home. We had routines school, work, social activities and those routines were uprooted in an instant. For many of the people the St. Louis Arc supports, a routine is extremely important. As everyone struggled to find their…