Three people sitting in a room with remotes.

Launching into New Areas

The St. Louis Arc is excited to announce the expansion of Launch into St. Charles County and Jefferson County.With the support of funding from DDRBand DD Advocates, theexpansionoffers qualifying residents of St. Charles County and Jefferson County free access to the virtual Launch program. Next and Launch In 2019 the St. Louis Arc launched Next,…

A man sitting in front of flowers and bushes.

Leading the Way

When you first meetMichkealand Samantha, it is clear that they are leaders. These two young adults are friendly, open, and excited to meet new people perfect traits to help lead a group to empower others and connect people. The St. Louis Self-Advocates is a new group founded through the Arc this past year. Their mission:…

A living room with hard wood floors and white walls.

NextEd Challenge

One of lifes major milestones is stepping out on your own for first time. Whether you move to a college dorm, find a roommate and an apartment in the city, or you rent or buy your first home; taking that first step can be daunting. Next, the St. Louis Arcs transition department, is offering a…

A man giving the thumbs up at a table

We Love Our Volunteers

The St. Louis Arc would be unable to provide the quality programs and supports we offer without the help of the hundreds of volunteers who give their time each year. As with many things over the last year, volunteering during the pandemic has brought both challenges and opportunities. So, when everything came screeching to a…

A cql accredited logo is shown.

Accreditation Accomplished

Since 1983, the St. Louis Arc has been continuously accredited byThe Council on Quality & Leadership(CQL), an international non-for-profit organization. We consider this distinction a badge of honor because CQL standards are recognized by federal and state government as benchmarks for excellence. Additionally, few organizations who specialize in taking care of people with disabilities ever…

A group of people on a computer screen.

Mixing It Up

Community Engagement (CE) and Aging With Empowerment (AWE) continue to engage participants in a unique and challenging format. As a result of the pandemic, the programs cannot run in-person at full capacity, and some participants are actively choosing to stay home. With seven sites across St. Louis, the programs are offering both in-person and virtual…

A message of gratitude

A Message of Gratitude

From the President and CEO A quote, which is a favorite of mine, is attributed to Fred Rogers, aka Mister Rogers. He said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping….

Season’s Greetings

The St. Louis Arc wishes you a joyous holiday season and a peaceful New Year.   Did you miss the Arcs virtual holiday party? Dont forget to check out “Home for the Holidays” tocelebrate what weve accomplished during a year like no other.

A young child wearing a helmet and holding onto the handle of a stair rail.

Meet Blaire

Shes spunky and independent. With a radiant smile and infectious laugh. Thats how youll remember four-year-old Blaire. Working her way down the stairs in her bright pink helmet. Striking a pose for the camera wearing her biggest hair bow. Insisting on the tricycle not the wagon – when shes outside with her friends. We are…

FASD Awareness Month

On the 9thday of the 9th month, we honor Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Awareness Day as a symbol of the 9-months of pregnancy that a woman should remain alcohol free. Over the last decade, awareness efforts have grown and September is now set aside as International FASD month. FASD is an umbrella term describing…