2025 Spring & Summer Leisure Times

Spring & Summer 2025 Leisure program registration is now open! The new 2025 Spring & Summer Leisure Times is here!! Explore the new opportunities, and sign up TODAY! Spaces fill up quickly, so don’t miss your chance to register now.   To view a complete copy of the Spring & Summer 2025 Leisure Times Brochure,…

Annual Giving Tree – 2024

It’s time for our Annual Giving Tree! We need your help to make a child’s holiday joyous and bright this year!   Each year the St. Louis Arc asks for the community’s help with our Holiday Giving Tree, a program established to ensure that all children in the Arc’s children’s programs have presents for the…

Two stuffed bears are next to a doll.

Giving Tree 2023

Each year families who participate in our Capable Kids and Family (CKF) and Parents Learning Together (PLT) programs receive holiday gifts as part of the annual St. Louis Arc Giving Tree. As we approach the holiday season, the Arc partners with businesses and individuals in the St. Louis community who buy gifts off a childs…

Two men laughing and holding hands while standing next to each other.

ARCH Respite Re-Enrollment

St. Louis Arcs ARCH Respite Program can give family members caring for a child or adult with an intellectual or developmental disability extra support and a much needed break. ARCH (Assistance with Residential¯Care in the Home), also referred to as respite, reimburses primary caregivers at a standard rate for short-term relief services. These services can…

Virtual Programs

The St. Louis Arc is now partnering with the Arc of the U.S. to promote virtual programs for people with IDD through their New Virtual Program Library. The Library includes programs and resources throughout the United States for individuals, families, and service providers to access virtually. St. Louis Arc Virtual Programs Transition to Adulthood Bounce…

A logo for the arc march madness trivia night.

Trivia Night 2023

Join us atStaenberg Family Complex/JCCfor the 2023 St. Louis Arc Trivia Night. Tables of 10 are available for $250.Beer, soda, and snacks provided, but feel free to BYOB or food. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. to decorate your table, bid at our silent auction, or visit with friends. Trivia will begin at 7:00 p.m. The…

Jump Start 2023

As a new year begins, many people look for opportunities to try new things, expand their networks, or develop new skills. The St. Louis Arc has many programs available to support people with disabilities and their families, and several still have openings. Families and Individuals ARCH In-home Residential Support St. Louis Arcs ARCH program (Assistance…

Two men standing next to each other in a gym.

Community Connection Through Dance

For more than thirty years, Mike P. has been attending the St. Louis Arc Club South Dance. What started as a fun activity to do on Friday nights, has transformed into friendships, purpose, and ongoing community connection. In the beginning, Mike was an observer at the dances. He listened to the band, and watched others…

A blue and white logo with a compass on it.

Family Navigators

Withhundreds of privateandstate programssupporting more than 4,000 individuals and families, navigating the vast world of supports at the St. Louis Arc can be overwhelming.Additionally, as individualsdevelop and age, so may their needs and interests.The Arc strives to assist people in finding the right resources, whether offered internally orexternally.The Arc has identified several key staff rolesto…

A black background with the number nine and " go the whole 9 ".

Honoring FASD Awareness Month

The St. Louis Arc kicked off International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) month with an information session on the effects of alcohol on pregnancy. September 9 is recognized as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders FASD Awareness Day. This day, the 9th¯day of the 9th¯month, symbolizes the 9-months of pregnancy that a woman should remain alcohol free….