St. Louis Arc has an array of experts who can speak on a variety of topics relating to children, teens, and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities including:
- Disability Awareness and Community Inclusion for People with Developmental Disabilities (suitable for groups of adults or children)
- Legislative Issues Important to People with Developmental Disabilities and their Families
- Preventing Developmental Disabilities and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- Hiring People with Developmental Disabilities
- Aging and Developmental Disabilities
For all media inquiries, please contact Kathleen Schue, Director of Communications and PR, at 314-817-2232.
If you have a class, group, or organization that would like to learn more about the work of the St. Louis Arc, please a visit our Get Involved page.
The Arc Times newsletter is published by the St. Louis Arc’s Communications Department. It features informative articles about the people we support, our employees and volunteers, as well as our programs and services. To receive a printed copy of Arc Times, please contact Kathleen Schue, Director of Communications, at 314-817-2232.

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