A Message From Our President

Reflections on 2021 and Hope for 2022

As the New Year rapidly approaches, I want to pause to reflect on the past year,and look forward with great hope for the coming year.

While the pandemic continues to pose challenges to us all, I am truly grateful for the efforts of the St. Louis Arc staff to ensure the health and safety of not only themselves, but their colleagues, and the individuals and families they support. I know manystaff membershave gone above and beyond to provide high quality supports in the safest ways possible. I continue to be in awe of the creative and innovative waysour staffhave found to deliver supportsthroughout the pandemic.

As we look back on 2021, we have much to celebrate:

  • AllArcresidents and staff members who chose to be vaccinated have received the vaccine,and most have received their booster shots. Thank you to theArc VaccineCommitteefor their continued diligence.
  • The St. Louis Arc achieved a four-year,Person-CenteredExcellence Accreditation with Distinction from the Council on Quality and Leadership. Weareone of only a handful of agencies worldwide to achieve this level of accreditation thankyoutoStephanie Scott, Lindsey Moore, and the QE Committeefor leading the charge.
  • Arcresidents havebeen able toreturnto many of their pre-pandemic activities, seeing family and friends, returning to work, traveling,andgoing to community events, utilizingrecommendedsafety protocols.
  • Many of the services that had been virtual are now back to in-person,whensafe, including Capable Kids and Families, Normandy Outreach, Community Engagement, Leisure,StaffTraining, Launch, and more.
  • We have successfully secured appropriate COVID Relief Funding to stabilizeour workforce,and have been able to pass that funding onto our staff members.
  • We hired a new Directorof ChildrensServices, Dana Walker,to help overseeourCapable Kids and Families, Parents Learning Together, and NormandyOutreachprograms,as well as grow our supports to children and young families.
  • The Arc has seen expansion in many areas including Capable Kids and Families, Family Support, Connect, and Launch.
  • We have had many technological advancesbehind the scenesto improveremote efforts and internal communications,tocreate a more comprehensive case management system, andtoupgradethe technology at all of our residential homes.
  • SupportedEmploymentcontinued tosupport people in obtainingjobsina variety of settings.
  • TheArcs internal Task ForceREADI(Race, Equity, Access, Diversity, and Inclusion)has elevated our diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts and continuesto help us grow as an agency.
  • We have and continue to fill many of the vacancies in residential it isalwaysnice to welcome new residents!
  • We haveheld two very successful Golf Tournaments, and despite having to cancel all other fundraisers, continueto raisemoney through grants and our annual gift campaign to support all our services.

The above list is just a few of the highlights of our many, many accomplishments. I could not bemore proudofeveryonewhohashelpedusachieve these goals and the many others I have failed to mention.

I look forward to 2022 with great anticipation of many new exciting goals, including:

  • The openingofthe Nutrition Center at Dautel Circle to provide healthy meals and snacks to all residents and reduce the pressure on staff.
  • The openingofthe newSouthHub in Maplewoodwhich will houseCommunity Engagement, Connect, AgingWithEmpowerment, and a new behavioral support program called LIFT.
  • Continuing to offer new residents homes to meet their needs.
  • A new strategic plan to be completed by June 30, 2022to guide us through the next four years.
  • Launching the new Assistive Technology program through Nextin St. Louis County, St. Louis City, and St. CharlesCounty.
  • MovingParents Learning TogetherandMetroCommunityEngagementinto the Delmar Divine,and offering space for Leisure and Next to expand their presence in St. Louis City.
  • All of this on top of the amazing things our staff does every day!

I continue to feel blessed and proud to work with such an outstanding group of colleagues, individuals, families, volunteers, community partners,funders,and donors.Thank you for your commitment to the Arc, our mission, and to providing services of the highest quality to the individuals and families we support.

I wish you and your loved ones a very healthy, happy, and peaceful New Year.


Mark A. Keeley
President and CEO, St. Louis Arc