Learn more about the issues and what you can do to make a difference.

Off-Season Advocacy

The Missouri Legislature meets from January to May of every year. During their off season, many policymakers return to their home districts, and in some cases, to their other job. The months of June to December are a critical time to schedule one-on-one meetings with your legislator. Invite them to a BBQ, ask them to meet you for coffee, follow them on social media, or send them an invitation to a St. Louis Arc event.

Action Needed:

Meeting with Legislators

Are you interested in hosting or attending a meeting with your Missouri Legislator to discuss important issues affecting you and your family? Throughout the fall months, the Arc works with families to hold small, one hour, meetings with Legislators in various districts. If you are interested in attending, hosting, or leaning more about upcoming meetings, please contact [email protected].

Check back frequently for current advocacy action items!

St. Louis Arc 2025 Legislative Priorities

  • St. Louis Arc supports legislative priorities which ensure that:
    • Missourians with disabilities have access to the services they need to survive and thrive.
    • Ensure adequate funding to recruit and retain high quality Direct Support Professionals at a competitive wage.
    • People with disabilities remain valuable members of Missouri’s workforce
    • Services for Missourians with IDD are paid for through local, county, state, and federal funding.

Learn more about the Arc’s 2025 Legislative Priorities.

Legislative initiatives are designed to support St. Louis Arc’s philosophy that all individuals deserve to live, work, and play in the least restrictive environment with dignity and respect.

For additional information, contact [email protected].

National Concerns

To learn more about federal and state issues of interest to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, we encourage you to visit The Arc of the United States position statements on various issues.

You may want to also visit the Action Center of The Arc of the United States to learn more about both federal and state issues of interest to people with developmental disabilities.

You can also access resource information at Disability.gov, the federal governments main portal for disability information.