Two women sitting on a bench smiling for the camera.

Individual volunteers are an important part of the St. Louis Arc. But equally as important are our volunteer partnerships throughout the St. Louis Community that have long standing relationships with the Arcs Community Engagement (CE) program.

The Arcs CE program provides individuals opportunities to explore their community on a daily basis through a mix of volunteer and leisure activities. This program supports adults with intellectual and development disabilities, so they can be active participants in their community, while working toward personal goals and outcomes.

As an individual enters the program, Arc staff members work with him/her to identify specific goals
that they would like to get out of our program. Those goals are then used to drive daily activities.
An integral piece of the CE program is the partner organizations that host our participants as volunteers.

Thank You To All of Our Partners

The Arc has over 50 non-profit partner volunteer sites throughout the community,
providing many options for individuals in our program to find activities that help them achieve
their identified goals.

The Arc is extremely grateful for the many partnerships throughout the St. Louis community that provide these opportunities for our CE participants. With five CE sites around the St. Louis area, we have outstanding volunteer sites in many areas including: Meals on Wheels, the Missouri Botanical Gardens, Helping Hand Me Downs, Carmelite Child Development Center, and Sunset Hills Community Center.

To continually meet the goals Arc participants set for themselves, we are always looking for additional community partners. If you know a non-profit organization that would be interested in partnering with the Arcs Community Engagement program, please contact Megan Favazza, Director of Community Engagement Services at 314-817-2219.