A man and boy standing next to each other.

Caregivers come in many forms, from parents and siblings to extended family and friends. In November, we celebrate National Caregiver Month. This month allows us to take a moment to recognize and honor family caregivers across the country.

The theme for the 2016 National Family Caregivers Month is Take Care to Give Care. We understand the joy and stress being a caregiver can bring, and taking care of oneself should always be a priority. Sometimes its hard for a caregiver to admit when they need a break says CEO Mark Keeley, but you cant take care of someone else if youre feeling overwhelmed.

One way the St. Louis Arc encourages caregivers to focus on self-care is through our Family Support department. As more and more caregivers have shared that they have felt overwhelmed at times, Family Support has met their need through the Family Workshop series. For the past year, the St. Louis Arc has partnered with Mental Health America of Eastern Missouri to provide workshops to caregivers. The next workshop will be held on Wednesday, November 16 on the topic of Mindfulness. Caregivers can learn strategies to strengthen their ability to regulate emotions, build attention to detail, and enhance problem-solving skills.

The Arc also encourages family members to utilize the resources for caregivers given by the Caregiver Action Network. Here you can learn more about the month and review their caregiver toolbox.